Beyond the Canvas: A Journey through Truth, Consciousness, and Empowerment

In the ever-evolving realm of philosophical discourse, we embark on an exploration rooted in a foundational premise: the concept of Truth's relativity. To delve into the notion that every Truth is, at its core, relative, and that each of us is tasked with uncovering our own. This pursuit becomes a quest for self-discovery, initiating at the juncture we shall call "Instant T," where one awakens to the realization that the mental constructs they have followed may be flawed.

 As a Truth-seeker, my journey has led me to a diligent investigation of the human psyche while experimenting on mine. This quest is not a whimsical endeavor but a calculated and intentional effort to grasp the intricacies of the human mind and discover ways to reprogram it. This reprogramming aims not at arbitrary ends but at aligning the mind with its True self, culminating in self-realization.

 Self-realization, as I define it, marks the zenith of self-awareness. The “self” being an intricate combination of personal experiences, established patterns, accepted Truths on both physical and mental levels etc. Awareness is simply bringing these insights to consciousness. Moreover, the conscious act of selection, such as determining which facets of the self to retain and which to transform, is the path to self-empowerment. By remaining conscious in our choices and actions, we maintain sovereignty over ourselves, thereby safeguarding against inadvertent submission to external forces. Consequently, it allows for safer exploration of different Truths, easier adjustments while reducing resentment toward others. I believe that self-realization entails self-validation, self-empowerment, healed resentment, and a willingness to forgive.


Though the initial stages of this journey may seem isolating, it's imperative to recognize that fellow individuals are not adversaries but companions on parallel quests for self-discovery. As the journey unfolds, trustworthy and fulling relationships with others and things will naturally be reintegrated into experience as one's sense of security increases.


As a thinker, I endeavor to capture the elusive, the intangible, that urge for something beyond the boundaries of our three-dimensional existence. From the moment when a desire first emerges into conscious awareness, to finding the ethereal connection bridging the fifth dimension with our tangible world.

As an artist, I aim to translate the primal intention into a visual medium, offering an interpretation to convey the essence, freed from the constraints of time and circumstance.


In other words, I offer a visual representation of this abstract force. It's designed as a tool to bring clarity and support on the complex journey of self-discovery, Truth-seeking, and the realization of one's deepest desires. Acting as a compass, it guides us through life's intricate path and reminds us of what is achievable.